Hireaction Version : 1.4.8
Date : 31 July, 2015

Added Admin Hireaction Error Log

Hireaction Version : 1.4.7
Date : 24 July, 2015

Improved Jobseeker Registration: Browse button changes
Improved Add Validation for entering industry so that empty is not accepted
Added Hireaction Error Log

Hireaction Version : 1.4.6
Date : 17 July, 2015

Improved Jobseeker Profile : Add address and primary location
Fixed Talent track bid progress calculation error.
Added User Registration : ReCaptcha
Improved Jobseeker Profile : Add Skills : Move to top
Improved Jobseeker Profile : Update Resume text change
Added User Registration : Resume Import

Hireaction Version : 1.4.5
Date : 10 July, 2015

Improved Jobseeker Profile : Add Skill : Move functionality in jobseeker profile
Improved Changes in resume parser : Add current Title
Improved Changes in resume parser : Add Primary Industry
Improved Changes in resume parser : Update checklist
Improved Changes in resume parser : Change success message.
Improved Changes in resume parser :Restrict summary to 1000 characters.
ImprovedJobseeker profile : Add Industry : Change dropdown to textbox
ImprovedJobseeker profile : Add skill : Rearrange in order added.
Fixed Talent exchange join percentage error.

Hireaction Version : 1.4.4
Date : 02 July, 2015

Added Jobseeker profile : Resume Parser

Hireaction Version : 1.4.3
Date : 20 June, 2015

Fixed Jobtrack : Job details : Show scroller when needed.
Fixed Pagination in contact center
Fixed Talentexchange: Dream job params : Fatal error
Fixed Warning message in dashboard

Hireaction Version : 1.4.2
Date : 12 June, 2015

Improved Landing Page : Step three text change
Improved Landing Page : Fixing : Step two bid decreases
Improved Refferal popup postioning
Fixed Remove Demand update effect
Added Landing Page : Header menus

Hireaction Version : 1.4.1
Date : 30 May, 2015

Improved Enhancements in landing page.

Hireaction Version : 1.4.0
Date : 22 May, 2015

AddedJobseeker Dashboard : Module for current demand with auto refresh
Improved Populating recruiter bid inbox according to jobseeker current bid.
Improved BounceIn effect when the demand changes
Fixed Talent exchange filter primary industry .

Hireaction Version : 1.3.9
Date : 16 May, 2015

Added Employment type filter in Talentexhange.
Improved Refresh current bid

Hireaction Version : 1.3.8
Date : 08 May, 2015

Fixed Talent exchange end message display.
Added Adding Hourly salary throughout the site.
Added Offer : Changes in salary validation.
Added Start date : Changes in salary validation.
Improved Talent exchange salary filter.
FixedMass update while demand calculation .
FixedChanges in carry forward demand in enter talent exchnage.
AddedEmployment type in enter talent exchnage.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.7
Date : 30 April, 2015

Added Changes in demand calculation.
Added Auto Refresh demand all over the site.
Added Jobseeker Profile : Record Time spent by Recruiter.
Fixed Only School required.
Improved Close button in referral popup.
FixedJobseeker -> Enter Talent Exchange : Delete Location.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.6
Date : 24 April, 2015

Improved Changes in Action Report.
Fixed Settings Page Warnings.
Fixed Get Paid Feedback bonus not adding.
Improved Referral URL Changes.
Improved Feedback Bonus Modules changes.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.5
Date : 17 April, 2015

Added Jobseeker Settings : Referral Tab.
Added Referral Link Popup.
Added Recruiter Settings: Referral Tab.
Added Jobseeker Settings : Account Tab : Referral Bonus Detail .
Added Recruiter Settings: Account Tab : Referral Bonus Detail .
Added Global Parameters : Setup Referral Expiry Days .
Improved Feedback Bonus : Show Referral Bonus.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.4
Date : 10 April, 2015

Added Action Report – Export to PDF.
Improved Changes in Custom URLs to allow for both jobseeker and recruiter.
ImprovedJobseeker Social URL convert to YOURLS.
ImprovedJobseeker show 4 Social Icons and Add This + Icon.
Added Track Signups and Click count for Referral URLs.
ImprovedSetting Social Tab – Changes in Connections.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.3
Date : 03 April, 2015

Added Jobseeker Action Report – Page, Verification and Access.
Improved Jobseeker->Profile ->Experience and Details-> Style changes.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.2
Date : 27 March, 2015

Improved Talent Exchange Ended message appearance change.
Improved Load time issue after joining talent exchange.
Added Get Paid Feedback Bonus module with Odds of winning.
Removed Admin Global Parameters – Hide unused parameters.
Fixed Contact Center – Tooltip for names with apostrophe.

Hireaction Version : 1.3.1
Date : 20 March, 2015

Improved Talent Exchange – Changes in Total No. of Bids.
Fixed Recruiter Dashboard – Percent to Offer correct value .
Improved Making No Record Found unselectable in Autocomplete fields.
Improved Validating City and State for numeric.
Improved Inbox Compose – Retaining fields in case of validation message.
Fixed Add experience - Invalid location validation .
Fixed Add education - Invalid location validation .

Hireaction Version : 1.3.0
Date : 13 March, 2015

Added Talent Exchange : Auto remove row when ended with message.
Fixed Feedback Module : Minor javascript bug .
Added Sponsored Results : Live Counter and auto remove.
Improved Talent Exchange Ended Message : Add Bounce Effect.
Fixed Talent track Ajax Response on delete track .
Improved Admin Global Parameters – Secure Password Page Option .

Hireaction Version : 1.2.9
Date : 05 March, 2015

Added Admin Daily Report : Auto joined and inactive talent exchange counts.
FixedLive Bid Question empty daily reports .
Improved Convert Daily Reports into Action Reports.
Improved Emails : Link "Talent exchange" in the content only when the menu is enabled for jobseeker.
Improved Landing Page : Show scrolling header earlier.
Improved Talent exchange filters : Persist Expanded/Compressed views.
Improved Recruiter Find Similar Jobs : Retaining only primary industry expanded.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.8
Date : 27 February, 2015

Improved Disable Recruiter Company Summary Page.
Improved Recruiter Summary – remove title.
Added Changes in Admin Validate Company.
Improved Admin Validate Company – Search recruiter by email,phone,Account ID.
Added Changes in Recruiter Profile Progress.
Added Admin Validate Recruiter – Add Note Field and enable toggle buttons.
Added Job Track : Add Expires column.
Added Admin View Recruiters Changes.
Added Admin Recruiter Show Profile Info.
Added Admin Jobseeker/Recruiter show Secondary email.
Improved Recruiter Talent exchange access message change.
Improved Changes in Force Password Change Page.
Improved Adding new theme footer social buttons to all inner pages.
Improved Resend Activation link working.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.7
Date : 20 February, 2015

Improved Contact center columns width adjustment.
FixedJobseeker->setting->account->Pin on click glitch .
Added Recruiter->Dashboard->Talent Tracks -> Adding Live counter.
Added Recruiter->Talent Exchange ->Adding live counter in jobseeker profile view.
Improved Jobseeker current bid : Count down color consistent.
FixedTalent Exchange ->Displaying correct current bid Toolip when searched.
Improved Interchanging year and experience field in talent exchange module.
FixedNew Theme Jquery bug.
Improved Recruiter Dashboard – “Ended” delete icon helpful hint change.
FixedBids on you : Company should be the name of the Company the Recruiter Works for.
Improved Recruiter Dashboard – Chat Notifications to go off when the talent exchange has ended.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.6
Date : 13 February, 2015

Added Auto Renew talent exchange functionality Admin setting .
Added Jobseeker Settings Auto Renew Talent exchange Setting .
Added Join Talent exchange popup – Auto/Stop buttons .
Improved Store Jobseeker Dream job in updated columns.
Improved Jobseeker Talent exchange - When active, hide the section which contains the Join button.
Added Admin options to setup auto exchange parameters .
Added Disable Auto-renewal when jobseeker gets matched start date .
Improved Jobseeker Next Steps – Link changes for Auto exchange.
Added Admin Jobseeker – Option to suspend talent exchange .
Added Changes for getting relevant Talent exchange result across the site .
FixedInbox compose – Name not auto-populating when clicked on Bids on you Message icon .
FixedRecruiter->setting->account->Pin on click glitch .

Hireaction Version : 1.2.5
Date : 06 February, 2015

Improved Recruiter Dashboard : Show count notification of new Inbox messages.
Fixed Recruiter->Dashboard -> Chat notifications .
Fixed Settings Page Account Tab – Buttons .
Fixed IE issue with background refresh .
Fixed Allowing skills with '/' as a valid skill .

Hireaction Version : 1.2.4
Date : 30 January, 2015

Added YOURLS Cron job to create pending URLs .
Improved Add Talent exchange id to location history.
Fixed Job seeker search result and Industry view graphs Behavior .
Improved Bids on you – Permanently show the phone number tooltip.
Improved Find similar – Filter results by only primary industry.
Improved Code improvement.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.3
Date : 23 January, 2015

Added Implement YOURLS on Admin Jobseeker Custom URLs.
Fixed Profile Progress increase on reset password.
Fixed Job Track Interview and Offer Rate Above 100%.
Improved Admin Jobseeker Custom URLs : Validation for YOURLS not working.
Added Admin Jobseeker Custom URLs : Empty Trash.
Improved Change of Jobseeker Tracking URL jtracker to jref.
Added Recruiter Custom URLs : YOURLS Implementation.
Improved Change of Recruiter Tracking URL rtracker to ref.
Fixed Minor Fixes.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.2
Date : 16 January, 2015

Added Registration module Admin Background image upload Option.
Fixed Reset Password Jquery error.
Improved RocketTheme Minor Adjustments and Fixes.
Added Social Tab Enable/Disable for Individual users.
Fixed Talent exchange Location Filter : Filter not adding.
Improved Join Talent exchange alert Text Change.
Improved Jobseeker Next steps : Linking Talent exchange links to join popup.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.1
Date : 09 January, 2015

Added Rocket Theme Chimera Implementation on Public Pages.
Added Talent Exchange "Clear All" filters button.
Added Change in Email Plugin to disable Talent exchange menu.
Fixed Sent, Archive, Trash : Any operation (Move,Delete,Archive) should redirect to the same page instead of going to Inbox.
Fixed Inbox Search : Sorting icons are not appearing properly in search results.
Improved Inbox Compose : Add character limit to subject.
Fixed Talent exchange : Color of Countdown Timer
Improved Loading Tipsy on ajax loaded search results.
Improved Adding Ellipsis and tipsy : Inbox Search Results.
Fixed Deleting Search Parameters when unchecked.

Hireaction Version : 1.2.0
Date : 29 December, 2014

Added Talent Exchange : Implementing Live Counter In last 10 seconds.
Fixed Inbox compose : Tootip not working for last element in autocomplete .
Fixed Talent exchange results from filter and Load more : Retain tooltip.
Improved Live Bidder Questions Module Code Improvement.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.9
Date : 19 December, 2014

Improved Live Bidder Chat – Refresh on every new talent exchange and only show current chat.
Improved Admin Talent exchange Code Improvement.
Fixed Update jobseeker profile progress on Activation without login .
Fixed "Get Paid In" module Day/Days text .
Improved Adding Ellipsis wherever not applied .
Improved To apply tipsy and ellipsis in Inbox->Compose->Autocomplete Results .

Hireaction Version : 1.1.8
Date : 12 December, 2014

Added Admin Talent Exchange View Off Track Listing.
Added Off Track Listing – Filters, Sorting, Searching, Pagination.
Added Off Track Listing – Recruiter and Jobseeker Detail.
Added Admin Off Track Listing – Stop Tracks .
Improved Recruiter Rating – exclude rating added by admin for "Did not work out".
Added Admin Recruiter Detail – Add Company detail link .
Improved Add "New" flag to Job track menu on progress.
Improved Detailed autocomplete for Inbox - Compose "To".
Improved Talent Exchange : retain checked/unchecked status of filters.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.7
Date : 05 December, 2014

Added Admin Talent exchange View Matched Talent Detail.
Fixed Job Track "Off track" Mismatch with Talent track .
Added Admin Talent Exchange Change Bonus/Fund Status.
Added Admin Talent Exchange Recruiter Detail Tab.
Fixed Recruiter Dashboard No scrollbars on bid and chat popups.
Improved Changes in PIN Authentication Plugin.
Fixed Job track Fix Days/Day text according to number.
Added Recruiter Detail Tab - Recruiter Profile information link.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.6
Date : 28 November, 2014

Added Admin Talent Exchange Dashboard.
Fixed Recruiter Profile Summary - Allow Names with special characters.
Improved Remove special characters from Account ID Generation.
Added Plugin for applying PIN authentication.
Fixed User Registration : Retain the field values when Email Already Exists validation is displayed .
Fixed Helpful hints : retain after background refresh .
Fixed Talent exchange : Update employment status on adding/deleting jobseeker present experience .

Hireaction Version : 1.1.5
Date : 21 November, 2014

Added Recruiter Settings Account Tab - Account Information.
Added Recruiter Settings Account Tab - Talent Track Detail.
Fixed Fixes in Jobseeker Account Tab.
Added Recruiter Settings Account Tab – Talent exchange detail with pagination.
Improved Admin Jobseeker - Search by Account ID.
Improved Admin Recruiter – Search by Account ID.
Fixed Admin Jobseeker Talent exchange detail Pagination Fix.
Improved Changes in Recruiter Account Tab – Talent Track Detail.
Improved Feedback module Iframe Button padding capture.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.4
Date : 14 November, 2014

Added Add connections when user registers from custom tracking url.
Added Enable/Disable Recruiter Social Tab for showing connections.
Added Recruiter Social Tab for showing connections.
Added Admin ability to enable/disable custom url functionality.
Improved Changes in Generation of Account ID.
Added Jobseeker Settings – Account Tab.
Added Jobseeker Settings – Account Tab – Change PIN.
Added Jobseeker Settings Account Tab -Enable/Disable PIN Authentication.
Added Jobseeker Settings Account Tab - Bonus Account Detail.
Added Admin Jobseeker - Change Bonus Release Status.
Improved Update Bonus Account if start date gets matched.
Improved Generate Random Account ID and PIN when a jobseeker/recruiter registers.
Improved Show Recruiter PIN Authentication Status in Admin.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.3
Date : 07 November, 2014

Added Admin Ability to create custom tracking url for recruiter.
Added Admin Generate account ID and PIN for jobseeker and recruiter.
Fixed Recruiter Add Job Competition “Divided by zero” warning .
Added Admin Ability to create custom tracking url for jobseeker.
Fixed Recruiter Sign up Count in Daily Office Report.
Added Recruiter Sign in Count in Daily Office Report.
Fixed Correct Search Results in contact center jobseeker.
Fixed Correct Search Results in contact center recruiter.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.2
Date : 31 October, 2014

Fixed IE Fix for Feedback module capturing Tinymce editor inside Popup .
Added Added No. of deleted job tracks in Recruiter Daily Report.
Improved Add Recruiter Name to Talent exchange confirmation emails.
Added Admin ability to enable/disable Social Share Tab in Job Seeker Settings.
Added Social Share Tab in Job Seeker Settings.
Added Add Connection if jobseeker joins using token url.
Added Show Jobseeker connections in Settings Social Tab.
Added Update Jobseeker Connection with bonus amount if got job.
Improved Admin ability to enable/disable rounding off Talent exchange feature.
Fixed Sponsored Results Ordering fix for Jobseekers having same talent exchange time .
Improved Implementation of Sorting Columns Functionality all over the Site.
Fixed Spelling Correction of “Deleted” in Inbox .
Improved Drop Down on Jobseekers Didn't work out popup.
Fixed Inbox Image issue for both jobseeker and recruiter.

Hireaction Version : 1.1.1
Date : 17 October, 2014

Improved Show Expired Status in Admin Upgrade Certificate History for expired certificates.
Improved Blank row validation fix for Jobseeker Certificates.
Improved Jobseeker Profile Info Page For Admin.
Improved Admin Jobseeker Profile Info and Talent exchange details.
Improved Recruiter Job import Changes and Fixes.
Improved Recruiter Certificate blank row validation fix.
Fixed Fixed a Javascript error In Talent Tracks .
Improved Optimized some Autocomplete fields searching from starting letter and show 10 results.

Date : 14 October, 2014
Fixed Fix for Jobseeker Profile Progress calculation .


Hireaction Version : 1.1.0
Date : 10 October, 2014

Improved Admin Edit Certificate Form.
Added Admin Certificate Issues Submissions.
Added Upgrade Certificates issues form.
Added Hireaction ChangeLog/Version Page.
Added Admin Functionality for Kicker Certificates Generation, Listing and View/Edit.
Added Add/Activate Kicker Certificate from Jobseeker Setting.
Added Ability to Confirm Kicker Certificate.
Improved Get Paid Target Bonus: Show Kicker bonus.
Added Admin Functionality for Award Certificate – Generate, Listing, View/Edit, View Issues, Resend Certificate.
Added Jobseeker Setting : Add/Activate Award.
Added Jobseeker Setting : View more Award detail.
Added Cron Job to Expire Award Certificates.
Added Jobseeker Dream Job Location listing on Talent Exchange Profile page.
Added Recruiter certificates.
Improved See All for jobseeker certificates.
Improved See All for recruiter certificates.


Hireaction Version : 1.0.9
Date : 26 September, 2014

Improved Generate Upgrade Certificate for non-existent users also.
Improved Jobseeker Settings: Change Expiry Days to Duration and add additional column Expires on.
Improved Modify Upgrade certificate code generation.
Added Show "No fee" in Get Paid Fee module if jobseeker had an upgrade using certificate.
Added Job Importer in Add Job for Recruiters.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.8
Date : 19 September, 2014

Added Admin Generate Upgrade Certificates and View Details
Added Upgrade Certificate Email with link.
Improved Secure cron URLs with tokens.
Added Upgrade account from upgrade page using added certificate or directly.
Added Admin Upgrade Certificates Use History
Added Jobseeker Settings Page to Add and Activate Certificate.
Improved changes to show only candidate and primary location filters and show other filters only when a certificate is added for the jobseeker section.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.7
Date : 12 September, 2014

Fixed Feedback iframe editor capture.
Fixed Feedback iframe capture.
Added Landing page Footer social icons.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.6
Date : 05 September, 2014

Fixed Save skills for jobseeker.
Removed Landing page Proof in results hover effect.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.5
Date : 29 August, 2014

Added Search Results graph module on jobseeker section.
Added Industry view graph module on jobseeker section.
Fixed Helpful hints visibility on Get paid page.
Fixed Feedback module to capture external images.
Fixed Feedback module to capture iframes ( popup data ).
Fixed Job track Accept job countdown.
Added dynamic values in Get paid social share to get the latest values from the database.
Added dynamic Target Bonus amount in the get paid social share and preview.
Added Images and Documents from Media as per the user.
Fixed Popup in mobile devices.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.4
Date : 22 August, 2014

Added Recently Viewed Filter and Add Watch button to jobseeker profile and watch filter feature to recruiters talent exchange.
Added close funtionality to Recruiter 5th step.
Improved Localization of external js and css files.
Added Profile progress on industry deletion.
Removed Helpful hint message from scroll once user disabled the hints.
Improved Changed the device width to show the mobile page on mobile devices
Improved browsing cache.
Fixed Desing issues on tabs and mobile devices.
Fixed Jobtrack loader.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.3
Date : 14 August, 2014

Added Fees Module in getpaid page for jobseeker.
Improved Managing all jobseekers profile progress from the database.
Improved Changed the position for completed and uncompleted tasks in the profile progress bar listing.
Fixed Admin validate company filters and sorting .
Added code to round off Talent exchange time to closest previous hour.
Fixed Bids on you amount.
Fixed Talent exchange confirmation email bonus amount.
Added Add to recruiters recently viewed list " for Talent exchange profile.
Added Getpaid social share preview before sharing.
Added Type specific notifications for join talent exchange for jobseeker.
Fixed Jobseeker profile detail.
Added Code to Converted phone numbers to US format.
Added Default Dream profile from the database while recruiter registration and removed the default dream profile addition from the add dream profile popup.
Added Admin report for jobseeker Profile Upgrades.
Fixed Jobseeker experience's editable company name and delete changes.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.2
Date : 08 August, 2014

Fixed Force Secure urls.
Improved Enhanced ranking functionality and store upgrade group on joining talent exchange.
Added Default Dream profile for newly registrated recruiters.
Added Default Job for newly registrated recruiters.
Fixed Talent Exchange profile bug.
Added Company Name and current title Validation for both jobseeker and recruiter.
Improved Show completed jobtracks in admin Daily report.
Fixed Jobseeker Summary Detail length.
Improved Changed the order of Talent exchange filters.
Added Drop Down at jobseeker dream job popup.
Added US number format for min and max salary.

Hireaction Version : 1.0.1
Date : 06 August, 2014

Fixed Get paid social tracker bug fixing.
Added Ellipsis to the talent exchange Filters.
Fixed Upgrade page missing background image.
Improved Profile Upgrade Page menu selection.
Added Upgrade Expiry Notification Email.